The Big arms and Legs are causing some rare pose, It can't be fixed, it's an issue from the original game model, Epic Games made Big characters for GoW series, just play GoW and you'll see. Emissive Shader (It glows at night time, on daytime it glows a little bit) Now textures can be seen on OpenIV (I found the error, all my previous models got that error, now I got it working, it works a lot for retextures works) I use a custom ReShade preset, so in pics it maybe looks a lot bright and shadows a lot darker, it's because my ReShade preset. Next One it will be Damon Baird from GoW Judgment (With Glowing Goggles) Made it in one hour (I already rigged the Onyx Guard Model a long of time ago). Thanks to Oleg for his awesome update on Zmodeler and explaining how it works. Uses untouched diffuse, spec, normal and emissive maps.

Onyx Guard from Gears Of War 3 & Judgment.